Tuesday 29 November 2016

Non-Muslims warned to stay out of Hadi’s Bill or face consequences

KUALA LUMPUR: Non-Muslims have been warned to stay out of PAS’ proposed amendments to Syariah law, or face resistance on proposed amendments to stop the unilateral conversion of children to Islam.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016

PAS secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said Muslims would oppose amendments to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act if non-Muslims continue to interfere with the proposed amendments to Syariah law.
“We must play fair. Don’t interfere with the rights of Muslims and make it difficult for us.
“If you want to play this way, then we too can work against the proposed law reform,” he told a press conference at the party headquarters yesterday.
Takiyuddin said Muslim and non-Muslim communities should reach a compromise.
Amendments to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act mainly concern the custody and conversion of children from a civil marriage where one spouse has converted to Islam.
Last Monday, the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) (Amendment) Bill 2016 was tabled in Parliament for its first reading.
If passed, it will ensure a child’s religion remains as that of the father and mother, prior to the conversion of either parent.
On Thursday, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang tabled a motion on a Private Member’s Bill, seeking to give Syariah Courts more power to mete out heavier punishments, short of the death sentence.
However, both the second reading of the law reform amendments and Abdul Hadi’s motion were postponed till the Dewan Rakyat sitting in March next year.
Takiyuddin chided DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang for criticising MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai’s stand over Hadi’s Bill.
“The MCA president’s statement is very positive when he said that his party would consider reviewing its stand on the Bill if it was carried by the Government.
“It is disappointing that Lim Kit Siang blamed Liow for not having principles,” he said, adding that Lim was confusing the rakyat over the Bill.
MCA religious harmony bureau chairman Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker said there was no such thing as quid pro quo arrangements on protecting Malaysians’ constitutional rights.
“This tit-for-tat threat against non-Muslims hits below the belt. It is clear that PAS’ intended maltreatment and oppression against ethnic and religious minorities, and women, will be no different from the likes of Islamic State,” he said.
