Thursday 17 November 2016

Jamal to reward any Red Shirts who get arrested

Any Red Shirts supporter who gets arrested by the police during the Bersih 5 rally on Saturday will get a “big present” from movement leader Datuk Seri Jamal Yunos.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

He added that 38 lawyers would be deployed at various locations to provide legal assistance.
Red Shirts supporters, said Jamal, would go to Bersih 5 rally “hungry”.
Asked whether the Red Shirts would resort to violence should things get heated up that day, Jamal’s reply was simply that he was unsure as he would not be preparing any food for them.
“Our stance has always been the same – we want to prevent Bersih from having any sort of rally as they only spread lies and influence the rakyat to hate the Government.
“On Saturday, we will be stationed wherever they (Bersih) are,” he said.
He also hoped that he would get to “meet” DAP leaders during the rally, especially Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang and Tony Pua.
“I also hope that I get to shake hands with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,” he said.
Jamal, who is also Sungai Besar Umno division chief, said he was confident that some 300,000 Red Shirts members from various races and background would be able to push back the Bersih tide.
“We have participants from different races and religions. Our members are from various NGOs.
“We are not racists,” he quipped.
One of the Red Shirts supporters, Datuk Roger Ly, said the group was not only exclusive to Malays.
“We are a multi-racial group and committed to battling the lies and deceit spread by Bersih,” he said.
Another participant, Sathiah Sudakaran, said the Red Shirts “are united as Malaysians and will be where the Bersih are on Saturday”.