Tuesday 6 December 2016

Identity of RM2.6b donor cannot be revealed, PM tells Parliament

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 3 ― The identity of the donor behind the RM2.6 billion deposited into Datuk Seri Najib Razak's private bank accounts cannot be revealed as the case is still being investigated by Malaysian authorities, the Dewan Rakyat was told today.
3 December 2016
Datuk Seri Najib Razak says the identity of the RM2.6 billion donor cannot be revealed as the case is still being investigated by Malaysian authorities. ― File pic
Datuk Seri Najib Razak says the identity of the RM2.6 billion donor cannot be
revealed as the case is still being investigated by Malaysian authorities. ― File pic
deputy Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, it was explained that the Attorney-General has advised against making any statements that could have an effect on the ongoing probe by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
“However, we feel that we must inform the House that the MACC has identified the donor, and that Bank Negara Malaysia has also been informed on the opening of the bank account,” said the statement that was read out after Question time.
Najib in his statement stressed that there is no law in the country that outlaws or mandates a declaration of political donations, and that it is not a new issue.
He added that he had previously mooted a mechanism to monitor political funding, but claimed that it was rejected by the opposition.
“Until now, there is no mechanism to monitor political funding but since there is a public outcry, the government has created the National Consultative Committee on Political Fundings,” Najib said.
The Najib administration had previously promised to answer all questions surrounding the RM2.6 billion donation controversy, saying it will do so today, the final day of the current Dewan Rakyat session.
On November 5, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said said all questions on the issue will be dealt with in “one go.”
Najib is currently facing pressure over a number of controversies, chiefly that surrounding 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and the RM2.6 billion donation he received in his bank accounts.
The RM2.6 billion figure first surfaced through a US-based paper Wall Street Journal’s report in July on the purported discovery by government investigators of a money trail of that amount ending in Najib’s accounts.
Najib has said that he has not taken public funds for personal gain, but the RM2.6 billion controversy has remained the centre of media and public attention.
The RM2.6 billion was later declared to be a donation by the MACC from Middle Eastern donors whose identities were not revealed, however.

Did the Saudi Royal donor request anonymity? Has MACC met with the donor and verified the anonymous donor's identity and purpose? What was the purpose of the donation? What and why are we still investigating when nothing has been stolen and our new AG has declared no wrongdoing was committed? Who is still investigating? What are their findings? How come international investigations are suggesting otherwise?
"I am not a crook," so says the late US President Nixon during the Watergate Scandal. Hmm...Maybe someone else should say this too...Ha! Ha! Ha!
Only after the public made noise a new law awaiting to be gazatted monitor political fund? So the 2.6b that can last life time can be let off the hook? What integrity does UMNO has? Barking on transparency but practice just the opposite? If a country is ruled by a team of cunning politicians it is a country of bankrupt in waiting. Everything now is based on race and religion just to maintain supports just to stay in power. Threats issued to frighten the race that it will be wiped out if UMNO loses the govt. Had the Malays suffered in Penang or Selangor? How far better are the Malays in
Kelantan compared with the 2 states? Bluffing and misleading the Malays all the ways!
The identity of the donor behind the RM2.6 billion cannot be revealed as the case is still being investigated by Malaysian authorities?
What logic is this? If it is the truth, whether you tell now or tell later, it is the same, the truth. So what is the problem?
"Najib has said that he has not taken public funds for personal gain" ? Then why hasn't any good soul acknowledged having received that donation from Najib up til now ? Just to whom has that donation-money gone to ? I am definitely sure, as Najib has said, the person who received that donation will not cause Najib to gain anything personally, especially gain for Najib's political-survival; but for the gain of only those political enemies of Najib or some other deserving people.
If the identity of the donor cannot be revealed, the purpose of the money cannot be revealed, whereabout the money were finally channeled to cannot be revealed, then there will be no case. Will all these be the final line of defense?