Monday 13 November 2017

Hadi Awang vs Clare Brown

A POLITICAL drama with Malaysian actors is about to explode at the High Court of Justice in London at the Strand. With all the excitement of the popular TV series – the House of Cards. Very high-profile Malaysian politicians and business players are featured. Even former Bar Council president Ambiga makes a brief cameo appearance.
Posted on 13 November 2017 - 11:14am
Last updated on 13 November 2017 - 11:26am
PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang
PAS president Hadi Awang has sued Sarawak Report editor, Clare Brown. In this suit filed earlier this year, Hadi claims that his reputation has been seriously harmed in England, Wales, Singapore and Malaysia – by a political commentary by Clare on the Sarawak Report website. This website has been blocked in Malaysia.
The claim
The sting of the complaint is in the final eight short paragraphs of the article. It states that PAS was wooed away from the opposition coalition "in the normal way ...".
Hadi complains that this implies that he "had personally accepted, or procured or approved the acceptance by PAS of, a massive bribe ... in exchange for compromising PAS's political independence". Thus "disgracefully undermin(ing) the democratic process".
The defence
In her 55-page "Defence" statement, Clare says:
» The article refers to PAS and the top echelons of the party. Hadi is neither named nor identified. And that Hadi is interfering in her and the public's rights to freedom of expression and free discussion of political matters. This interference she claims is "disproportionate, unnecessary and unjustified".
» The words complained of cannot be understood to bear the meanings that Hadi alleged or at all.
» The article did not – nor was it likely – to cause serious harm to Hadi's reputation.
» Hadi was bringing this case not "to correct and protect himself from serious harm to his reputation but for the illegitimate purposes of protecting the reputations and advancing the political purposes of PAS and his political ally, ...".
» The article contained "statements on matters of the greatest possible public interest". And that it was reasonable (for Clare) to believe that publishing the statement was in the public interest.
» If the words could be construed to convey a defamatory imputation, Clare says that the imputation is substantially true. She will prove at the trial that Hadi as president of PAS "has knowingly allowed that party to be compromised and corrupted morally and politically and the democratic process to be undermined by senior party personnel accepting and personally benefiting from enormous secret payments of money … paid to undermine and draw PAS away from the Opposition coalition".
Clare has also counterclaimed against Hadi for colluding with the other party to exploit these proceedings as part of propaganda efforts to discredit her and the Sarawak Report.
Clare also says that Hadi has attacked her viciously and racially through publications. She is claiming damages for the consequent harassment which is actionable under UK's Protection from Harassment Act of 1997.
Actors and accusations
Sprayed throughout the defence are the names of persons Malaysians will readily recognise. Less known are their attributes. Such as of a blogger, for example, described as a paid propagandist. The whole episode involving a strategic development company is narrated in considerable detail involving all the usual players.
The defence is studded with details of all the previous accusations which we have heard ad nauseam. The narration of the lavish lifestyle of some PAS leaders is a revelation of sorts.
The trial
Of course, all these allegations and counter-allegations will have to be proved – in a courtroom some 11,000km from KL. Both parties will roll out the evidence in support of their respective case. Perhaps, at long last, we may gain a blow-by-blow insight of the strategic development company's transactions that have consumed so much of our time and energy; and tested credulity.
Will the truth finally emerge?
Well, it will be all out there – unveiled by the protagonists in a no-holds "battle royal" within the hallowed halls of the 19th century cathedral-style London High Court of Justice.
Gurdial is a former law professor at University of Malaya and currently a consultant in a law firm. Comments:

Hadi Awang sues Sarawak Report editor

PETALING JAYA: PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has filed a defamation suit against Sarawak Report editor and founder Clare Rewcastle Brown for alleging that he had received money from the government.
Party secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said the suit was filed at the London High Court on April 21.
He added Abdul Hadi was seeking for damages and an injunction order from the court, in relation to an article published by Sarawak Report on Aug 6 last year titled "As Najib denies all over 1MDB, let's not forget his many other criminal connections".
Takiyuddin said the article had suggested that Abdul Hadi had personally received a big amount of bribe from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak as an exchange to compromise PAS' political stand.
"All of the allegations were not true at all. The allegations of corruption has clearly destroyed and affected the reputation of the PAS president ...," he said in a statement.
Takiyuddin said Abdul Hadi had appointed a London-based legal firm, Carter-Nick, to submit a letter of complaint to Rewcastle at the end of last year.
He added the letter had demanded for Rewcastle to remove or delete the article and publish an apology to Abdul Hadi.
"However, Miss Rewcastle Brown has failed to provide a response to the complaint and made several public statements that had complicated the situation," he said.
Takiyuddin said the suit need to be made as the article had affected his reputation in Malaysia and Singapore, as well as in England and Wales.
"Taking into consideration the heavy accusation, the PAS president will not let it go unchallenged and has no choice but to initiate legal proceedings," he said.

Najib denies paying RM90m to PAS

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has today openly denied an accusation by whistleblower portal Sarawak Report that he had paid RM90 million to PAS.
In what seemed to be his first counter reaction against the allegation, Najib, who is also the Umno president, said that the matter was played-up by certain parties to smear the image of the government.
"I did not give the money to PAS, and that is why PAS has sued Sarawak Report. We will wait for the decision. Clare (Rewcastle-Brown) is now 'gelabah' (uneasy)," he said.
"I cannot comment (more) as it (the case) is in court. This is all rubbish but was made to give us the bad image," Najib said in his speech at the party's Social Media Convention at Putra World Trade Centre.
Sarawak Report in one of its articles had alleged that PAS had received the RM90 million from Najib, an accusation which has been denied by the Islamist party.
PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang in April filed a defamation suit against Sarawak Report's Rewcastle-Brown, the Sarawak Report editor and founder, for alleging that he had received money from the government.
Najib mentioned the Sarawak Report's allegation as an example of the cyberattacks launched by certain parties to sway public opinion against the government.
In responding to another allegation over his recent visit to the US, Najib dismissed rumours that he had brought "buckets of money" to his meeting with President Donald Trump.
"I went to the US to show to Trump that we do not come to seek donation. We came there as a successful nation.
"Other countries went there to ask for loans, but we told Trump that we are a successful country. This is due to the struggle of Umno all this time," he said.

Zahid: Floods a sign from God

KUALA LUMPUR: Penang's flood misery is a "sign" from God and "the best moment" to take back the state under Barisan Nasional (BN), Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said today.
Posted on 12 November 2017 - 12:40pm
Last updated on 12 November 2017 - 06:13pm
He urged Gerakan leaders and delegates to use this opportunity to win the state back.
"We have seen the defeat in Penang nine years ago. But this defeat is temporary. We will take it back from them (Opposition). It is not difficult, it is not impossible.
"God has brought disaster on those who beat their chest claiming that Penang is free from flood. But what has happened is something where God is showing that this is the best moment for us to take over the Penang government again," Ahmad Zahid said in his speech when officiating Gerakan's 46th National Delegates Conference today.
He said BN was colour blind when it went down to help the Penangites during the flood crisis.
"The Prime Minister himself went down to the ground to check the situation even though he knows that the state is administered by a different party. It is because of humanity and care for the people," Ahmad Zahid said.
He said the if the state government had done proper development planning, the flood would not have happened despite noting the fact of the continuous downpour.
Penang and some parts of Kedah have been badly affected by the floods in the past week after a continuous downpour exceeding average heavy rainfall in a day started on Nov 4.
Seven people have reportedly died in the disaster.
Ahmad Zahid said many BN leaders, including Gerakan president Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong, went to help the victims in the name of concern.
"But we did not politicise this. Not at all. Do we want to use all that happened as an opportunity to help people for political reasons? Not everything can be politicised. But if there is any party that politicises everything, wait and see, the people will punish the party and its leaders.
"We know that previously the seed of hatred was planted against us. But when the pendulum turns, then we will be on top again. God will punish them because they have scorned us with full of hatred and now the people know that they are not as good as they claim. The better one is BN and its components," he claimed.
Ahmad Zahid encouraged the high-spirited delegates to keep the fire burning and strive till it regains Penang.
"I am confident that with the cooperation of the component parties, Gerakan will be able to win all the seats contested. This is my hope and the PM's hope as well," he said.

Shut up or ship out, Nur Jazlan tells Zamihan (Video)

JOHOR BARU: Deputy Home Minister Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed wants controversial preacher Zamihan Mat Zin to shut up and think twice before issuing controversial statements. "He is also free to leave government service if he is unhappy with government policies," said Nur Jazlan. He said the Home Ministry is disappointed with Zamihan's attitude for continuing to ignore the warnings ...

JOHOR BARU: Deputy Home Minister Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed wants controversial preacher Zamihan Mat Zin to shut up and think twice before issuing controversial statements.
"He is also free to leave government service if he is unhappy with government policies," said Nur Jazlan.
He said the Home Ministry is disappointed with Zamihan's attitude for continuing to ignore the warnings and advice given by various parties over his statements.
Nur Jazlan said a recent statement by Zamihan is seen as disrespecting Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak over the building of the King Salman Centre for International Peace (KSCIP) in Putrajaya.
"We are disappointed with him (Zamihan) as before this, he had challenged the royal and religious institutions, and now the prime minister has become his target. We are not questioning his capability in carrying out his tasks with the Home Ministry but as a government officer, he should not get personal.
"Although Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has recognised his capability, I still want him to shut up, think before he issues a statement and if he just cannot accept government policies, he can quit," he told reporters when asked to comment on a video recording of Zamihan's statement in which he regarded the prime minister's action of allowing the establishment of KSCIP as not a clever move.
Nur Jazlan said Zamihan should be careful with what he said and he should also not sensationalise matters related to terrorism, and the turbulence and conflict in the Middle East as his statements reflected the image and integrity of the Home Ministry.
He said all of Zamihan's statements made to the public were being monitored and if he still gave problems to the ministry, his role in deradicalising those imprisoned for terrorism-related activities might be reconsidered.
On Zamihan questioning the building of KSCIP, he said it was not just forging close cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government, more so the idea of establishing the centre was mooted by King Salman Abdulaziz Al-Saud while its construction cost would be fully funded by the Saudi Arabian government.
Zamihan is a Malaysia Islamic Development Department (Jakim) officer who was seconded to the Home Ministry and now placed at the Prisons Department as a deradicalisation officer for terrorism and extremists elements.
He is also the president of the Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah Association (Aswaja) and principal assistant secretary of the Home Ministry's Security and Public Order Division.
Zamihan had previously been remanded for two days to assist in the police investigation under the Sedition Act 1948 for allegedly criticising the Johor Sultan over the "for Muslims only launderette" issue.
He had also criticised the committee of a surau in Penang for allowing non-Muslims to take shelter there during the recent floods.
However, the surau came in for praise by Najib who called its actions as embodying the true spirit of 1Malaysia Negaraku.
Below is the video of Zamihan speaking about Najib:

Friday 10 November 2017

Lembaga Tabung Haji denies money laundering allegation

Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH) has denied the allegation of its involvement in money laundering case involving Prince Al-Waleed Talal, who was among dozens of high-profile figures arrested or sacked recently, in the biggest purge of Saudi Arabia's elite in its modern history.

The allegation was associated with Australia Financial Review's report in March that Crestmount Capital, a Middle Eastern fund run by Prince Khaled, son of Prince Al-Waleed, had closed a AUD$100 million investment into Sydney-based residential developer Piety Investments.
LTH said while its wholly owned subsidiary TH Properties Sdn Bhd (THP) indeed has several investments with the Piety Group in developing residential projects in Sydney, all investments are made directly by THP from internal funds.
"Under no circumstances that THP has in the past or at any material point of time, sought or secured funds from Crestmount Capital or other external investors," it said in a statement.
LTH added that THP has obtained all required regulatory approvals in Malaysia and Australia for its projects in Sydney.
Citing THP is not privy to any dealings between Crestmount Capital and Piety Group, LTH noted that the insinuation that Crestmount Capital funds are tainted has been made by the blogger alone, for which he or she must bear sole responsibility.
"The allegation that LTH and its subsidiary are involved in money laundering is false and baseless. LTH and its subsidiary reserve all rights in this matter."
LTH said it is concerned about wild and inaccurate allegations made against the group that may adversely affect its reputation and create unwarranted anxiety amongst depositors.
"LTH Group has, to its level best, ensured that its business and investments are carried out effectively in accordance with Islamic principles, through good corporate governance and best business practices giving priority to integrity, trasparency and accountability."

Wednesday 8 November 2017

KUALA LUMPUR: The government is satisfied that controversial preacher Dr Zakir Naik does not promote terrorism, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said.

Zahid, who is also the Home Minister said, it drew the conclusion after the ministry had gone through all the videos and transcript of speeches made by Zakir, both locally and overseas.
He added allegations of Zakir promoting hate speech might be due to his words being taken out of context.
"We have gone through all of his speeches and none of them was found to be promoting terrorism," he said.
"The interpretation (of promoting terrorism) was made by several figures overseas. The incident in Dhaka was a perception of that country," he told parliament yesterday while replying to points raised during the debate on the budget.
The controversial preacher is being sought by India for alleged link to terrorism, including a terror attack in Dhaka, Bangladesh, last year that had left scores of people dead.
In April, Zahid had confirmed that the government has granted permanent resident status to Zakir five years ago.
Zahid also dismissed foreign news report indicating that Zakir had tried to apply for citizenship in Malaysia.
He added the government would repatriate the preacher to India if it received a request of Mutual Legal Assistance.
Zahid said so far the Indian government had not sent any request to Malaysia to extradite the preacher.
"I have met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Zakir was among the matters raised. At that time, there was no request to extradite Zakir," he said.
Zahid said Zakir would continue to enjoy his permanent resident status as long as he did not breach any laws or promote terrorism in Malaysia.