Sunday 28 May 2017

DPM: Most who take up arms aren’t religious

The two Malay­sians killed in a clash between militants and Philippine security forces in Marawi, Mindanao, were not schooled in Islamic studies, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Bernama reported Dr Ahmad Zahid as saying that they had sought a shortcut to heaven by engaging in this so-called jihad.
“They did not have any Islamic education but wanted to be martyrs,” he said after the launch of a Quran learning and recital programme at Masjid Al Hidayah in Kampung Sungai Penchala yesterday.
Dr Ahmad Zahid said those who did not understand the Quran were more inclined to engage in terrorism because they often misinterpreted the scriptures in the holy book.
He said they also became obsessed with certain individuals who made use of religion and performed acts that deviated from the teachings of the Quran.
The two Malaysians were among 13 militants killed by soldiers who were hunting Isnilon Hapilon, a leader of Abu Sayyaf terrorists active in the southern Philippines, and the Maute group, which have ties with Islamic State (IS).
Dr Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Home Minister, said a study found that 87% of those engaged in terrorist activities did not have basic religious education.
At the launch, Dr Ahmad Zahid donated 320 copies of the Quran to the programme.
In Petaling Jaya, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said Ramadan was more than just fasting.
Dr Asyraf, who holds the portfolio in Islamic affairs, said in Arabic, fasting literally meant to refrain.
“This is not only from food and drinks but also from evil actions, thoughts and words.
“Muslims are to make peace with those who have wronged us, strengthen ties with family and friends and do away with bad habits to clean up our lives, thoughts and feelings,” he said.