Wednesday 25 October 2017

Understanding the significance of the Rulers’ statement

WHAT is the real significance of the statement issued by the Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal on behalf of the Conference of Rulers on Oct 10?
Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017
One, it reaffirms the fundamental importance of unity and harmony in multi-religious Malaysia and demonstrates why respect for one another and for the dignity of all human beings is imperative. At the same time, the Rulers’ statement rejects unequivocally extremism and divisiveness in our society.
Two, by reasserting their authority as Head of Islam in their respective states, the Sultans have made it explicitly clear that they do not want the religion to be associated with exclusiveness and bigotry. They want Islam to be presented and practised as it has always been – a religion of tolerance, moderation and inclusiveness.
Three, to bring these and other such values to the fore, Malaysians, the Rulers emphasised, should adhere to the principles of the Federal Constitution and the spirit of the Rukunegara. The Rukunegara is described as the nation’s guiding compass.
The Rulers have made their stand and the people should now come out in full support.
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