Thursday 7 September 2017

Govt files application to strike out suit against Zakir Naik

KUALA LUMPUR: A civil suit attempting to bar Dr Zakir Naik (pix) from entering the country has hit a snag after the Government filed a last minute application to strike it out.
Thursday, 7 Sep 2017
Judge Azizah Nawawi postponed the hearing to Sept 21.
Lawyer S. Karthigesan, who represented the 17 who filed the suit, said he was told the application was made on points of law.
"Sure, such an application can be made at any time, but why do it so late? They've had six months to address this," he told reporters outside the courtroom Thursday.  
Malay-rights group Perkasa is acting as intervener in the case, and had also applied to strike out the suit.
In the originating summons filed on March 1, Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) chairman  P. Waytha Moorthy  and 16 others named Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Immigration Department director-general, National Registration Department director-general, Inspector-General of Police, and the Malaysian Government as the defendants.
They are seeking a declaration that the popular preacher is a threat to public peace and an order to stop him from coming into the country or remaining here.
They also sought a court order to revoke Zakir’s permanent residency in Malaysia.
They claimed that Zakir had promoted terrorism, barred from entering several other countries for alleged collaboration with terrorist groups, and incited foreigners in Malaysia to disturb public order.