Tuesday 29 January 2019

Banning Israel : Syed Saddiq Should Wake Up & Stop Hallucinating

– To Generalise All The Jews As Zionists Is Like Saying All The Muslims Are Terrorists

Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq, in his attempt to suck up to his boss – PM Mahathir Mohamad – appear to have made a fool of himself after the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) stripped Malaysia of the right to host the 2019 World Para Swimming Championships, scheduled to be held in Kuching, Sarawak, between July 29 and Aug 4.
The IPC has stripped Malaysia of the right to host the sports event after the country said it would not allow Israeli para swimmers to enter the country. “When a host country excludes athletes from a particular nation, for political reasons, then we have absolutely no alternative but to look for a new championships host,” – said IPC president Andrew Parsons.
Mr. Mahathir, well known for holding anti-Semitic views, defiantly said Malaysia will stand by its principle in banning Israel athletes from entering the country. He said – “We have a right to voice our feelings and to have our own policies. If we cannot host the Paralympics, we can host other events.” Armed with a pretty face, the half-baked Saddiq said Malaysia prioritises human rights.
Syed Saddiq said that if hosting an international sporting event is more important than standing up for the Palestinians that means Malaysia has truly lost its moral compass. Seriously? Which part of the event specifically for athletes with a disability to compete for the championships that both Mahathir Mohamad and Syed Saddiq don’t understand?
Did any of the handicapped Israeli athletes kill any Palestinians at all? To generalise all the Jews as Zionists is like saying all the Muslims are terrorists. Unless Mahathir can happily accept the label that he, his family members and all the Malay Muslims are terrorists like ISIS, the 93-year-old premier should not conveniently mix sports with politics.
Adding confusion to the anti-Semitic policies, the young minister Saddiq who is still wet behind the ears has practically thrown everything, including the kitchen sink to justify the ban on Israeli athletes. It’s absolutely amazing that the 26-year-old young sports minister has no idea what a fool he has been for showing his disability in differentiating politics, sports and human rights.
On Sunday (Jan 27), Saddiq proudly declared – “Malaysia stands firmly with our decision on the ground of humanity and compassion for the Palestinian plight. We will not compromise.” If indeed the sports minister was sincere and serious about being the superhero in the Israel-Palestine conflict, he should lead the Malaysian Army to fight a Holy War and liberate the Palestinians, should he not?
At least, that was what the dumb Hishammuddin Hussein did in Dec. 2017 when the former defence minister announced that the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) were always ready to mobilise their strength against Jerusalem. Hishammuddin apparently made the pledge after Trump decided to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The U.S. Embassy was officially relocated and opened in Jerusalem on May 14, 2018. So, what is Syed Saddiq waiting for? The oppressed and suppressed Palestinians have been screaming their lungs out for help since last year. Should not Mr. Saddiq demonstrate his unparalleled courage and fight for the poor Palestinians? At the very least, he should declare a “Holy War” against the Israel.
In the same breath, should not Mahathir government boycott the U.S. and all American products – including the iPhone, Boeing, McDonald’s, Starbucks and whatnot – because Israel has become the so-called devil in the Middle East largely due to support from the Yankees? Do you know that Israel has received more than US$121 billion in aid from the U.S. since World War II?
In fact, the United States and Israel signed an agreement in September 2016 to give Israel US$38 billion (£28.9 billion; RM156 billion) in military assistance over the next decade, the largest such aid package in U.S. history. Clearly, Syed Saddiq is a hypocrite and a coward for banning athletes from Israel, but not America, or European Union for that matter.
There are dozens of countries whose human rights are worse than Israel. North Korea is a pariah state that everyone despises, except Malaysia. Relations between Malaysia and North Korea started in 1973 and the North Korean embassy was opened in Kuala Lumpur in 2003. And it was Mahathir, who welcomed the move to reopen embassy in the North after the brutal assassination of Kim Jong-nam.
Did Mahathir and Saddiq not realise that Kim Jong-un was so brutal that the dictator used to execute his officials whom he believed were a threat by blowing them up in pieces using an anti-aircraft gun? Even Kim’s defence chief, Hyon Yong-chol, was executed for the treasonable crime of behaving disrespectfully – falling asleep in the Chairman Kim’s presence.
Talking about assassination and execution, Syed Saddiq should advise his boss to shut down the Saudi Arabia Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and order all the Arab diplomats to leave Malaysia within 2 weeks. After all, Mahathir has personally labelled the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, whose body was cut into pieces, as an act of “extreme cruelty” and was unacceptable.
Khashoggi, a columnist with the Washington Post, went missing after visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on Oct 2. Saudi officials initially denied claims he was dead and claimed that he had left the consulate, but on Oct 20 finally admitted that Khashoggi had been killed. Two days later on Oct 24, Saudi made a U-turn, admitting the murder was pre-planned.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was the architect behind the Yemeni Civil War. Although the Saudi Arabian-led 10-nation of Arab states could not defeat the Yemen until today, the war which was started in 2015 has caused a humanitarian crisis, including a famine, which has threatened 13 million people, as well as an outbreak of cholera which has infected an estimated 1.2 million.
On November 2018, UNICEF said Yemen was “a living hell for children”, saying that every 10 minutes a child is dying due to preventable diseases as a result of the war. More than 85,000 children under age 5 may have died of starvation. Last year, the Saudis used money to bankroll a militia of Sudanese fighters – many of them children – to fight on the front lines against Yemen’s Houthi rebels.
Ahh, but closing down the embassy would anger Saudi, denying more than 30,000 Malaysian Muslims from performing the Hajj pilgrimage in the kingdom. Are the oppression and suppression of the Palestinians by the Jews worse than the murdering and butchering of Jamal Khashoggi? Or was Saddiq trying to say it’s perfectly alright for a Muslim to slaughter another Muslim like a pig?
China has been bullying, suppressing, oppressing and repressing the Muslim Uighur community at the industrial scale. It is estimated that as many as 1 million Uighurs have been relocated to camps where they receive “anti-extremist ideological education”. Human rights groups say there could be as many as 2,000 detention camps built to detain the Muslims.
So, why aren’t Saddiq moaning, crying, whining and bitching about the mainland Chinese having tortured and brainwashed the Muslims in Xinjiang – the autonomous region in western China home to approximately 10 million Uighur Muslims? Or was the sports minister deliberately cherry-picked the Jews because he thought the tiny Israel can be bullied but not the superpower China?
Why is Israel a criminal state that deserves to be condemned, but not the U.S., Saudi, North Korea or China? Does Syed Saddiq know that even Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab states do not really like the Palestinians? In fact, the Saudis were so suspicious of them, so much so that up to 300,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon were banned from performing pilgrimage last year.
Actually, in an interview last year, the Saudi Crown Prince has recognized Israel’s right to exist. When asked about anti-Semitism in Saudi Arabia, he said – “Our country doesn’t have a problem with Jews. Our Prophet Muhammad married a Jewish woman. You will find a lot of Jews in Saudi Arabia coming from America, coming from Europe. There are no problems between Christian and Muslims and Jews.”
So, even though Israel and Saudi Arabia have no official relations, the Arabs have no problems with the Jews but instead, have problems with the Palestinians. That’s because the Palestinians are not supportive of Saudi’s Sunni Islam. Instead, they prefer Iranian’s Shia Islam. In fact, the Arabs believe that a fully independent Palestinian state would give birth to instability in the region.
Israel has been accused of brutally for firing on schools, mosques and hospitals where Palestinians had taken refuge. What most Muslims were not informed was that Hamas, the governing authority of Palestine, deliberately stored mortars and other weapons in schools and hospitals and fire at Israel from such places – happily using Palestinian innocent children as human shields.
The truth is, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia doesn’t give a damn about the Palestinian cause, and is more than willing to accept almost any kind of Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, as long as it can cut a deal – any deal – with Israel against Iran. Wait a minute. Does that mean Iran is a bigger evil than Israel? If it’s true, then why the heck Malaysia hasn’t cut off all diplomatic relations with Iran?
Source : Finance Twitter

Tun Mahathir : Israel Is A Criminal State And Deserves To Be Condemned – Malaysia Is Not Anti-Jew Or Anti-Semitic

1. Malaysia does not recognise Israel; has no diplomatic relation with it, does not allow Malaysians to visit Israel and does not allow Israelis to visit Malaysia.
2. This is the only country in the world that Malaysia treats in this manner. Why?
3. In the first place Israel was created from a slice of Palestinian land, without a referendum or a plebiscite being held. The Palestinians were expelled from Palestine without any compensation for the land and homes seized by the Israelis.
4. Then Israel seized more Palestinian land so that Israel became bigger. The Israelis then built numerous settlements on Palestinian land without the consent of the Palestinian nation. Palestinians are barred from these settlements.
5. When the Palestinians resisted and threw stones at Israeli tanks and armoured cars, the Israeli soldiers fired live bullets at the Palestinian children and arrested many of them. The arrested people were detained for years without trial.
6. The detainees were used to exchange with Israeli soldiers captured by the Palestinians.
7. The Gaza strip is blockaded by Israeli forces. Relief ships carrying food, medicine and building materials were siezed in international waters and forced to go to Israel. In one incident 10 activists were killed. These acts by the Israelis is blatantly against international laws.
8. When the Palestinians fired futile rockets at Israel, the Israelis dropped bombs and fired missiles at Palestinian towns and villages. Schools and hospitals were destroyed, patients and children killed or maimed.
9. The blockade of Gaza is illegal but no country has condemned Israel for breaking international laws and moral codes.
10. Today Israel declares that Jerusalem is its capital. When Palestinian slapped Israelis soldiers, they were shot and killed and many were detained.
11. A high wall has been built to divide Palestinian villages and towns. Palestinians cannot visit relatives without being subjected to humiliating checks at many check-points created by the Israelis. The Palestinians are not allowed to travel on roads built by the Israelis on Palestinian land.
12. Thousands of Palestinian have been killed or wounded through Israeli military actions.
13. The whole world can see the injustice and the oppression of the Palestinian by the Israelis. But Israel is not even criticised by the people who talk so much about freedom from oppression and the rule of law. Israel seems to be privileged.
14. If anyone criticises Israel or the holocaust he is immediately labelled “anti-Semitic”. The implication is that he is inhuman or immoral. But the blatant inhumanity of Israel is not condemned.
15. Malaysia is not anti-Jew or anti-Semitic. The Arabs are also Semitic people. But we reserve the right to condemn inhuman and oppressive behaviour anywhere, by anyone. We have condemned the Myanmar people for their treatment of the Rohingyas. We have criticised many countries and people for inhuman acts.
16. Many people and many countries have condemned us. But we have not been labelled nor have we labelled people who speak as a matter of right in a free world.
17. Malaysia bans two Israeli athletes – the US bans citizens of five Islamic nations and plans to build a wall against South Americans. Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic ban refugees. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban referred to Syrian refugees as “Muslim invaders.”
18. Israel is a criminal state and deserves to be condemned. We know the strong backing for Israel. We cannot act against Israel beyond refusing to recognise it. We maintain we have a right to bar Israelis from our country. When the world condemns us for this we have a right to say that the world is being hypocritical. Their talk of human rights and the rule of law is so much empty words.
19. I appeal to those who sympathise with the Palestinian cause to voice their condemnation. Terrorism is not the answer. A proper strategy is needed to bring justice to the Palestinians.
Source : Chedet

Monday 28 January 2019

It is time Dr M differentiates Jews from Zionists

COMMENT | At the outset, let me make it clear that as far as the Palestinian cause is concerned, I am on the same page as Dr Mahathir Mohamad, although I cannot vouch for his consistency on all the other non-Muslim liberation causes in the rest of the world.

Kua Kia Soong  |  Published:   |  Modified: 

What is disturbing is that through the years, we have witnessed Mahathir’s deliberate refusal to make any distinction between the Jewish people and the ideology of Zionism. This has huge consequences for how our prime minister stands on racism and racial discrimination in our own country... 

For the rest of this story and more:


On Israel and Malaysian hypocrisy

And so, Malaysia has been stripped of hosting a Paralympic Swimming event in Sarawak due to our insistence on banning Israel over their actions on Palestine. 
Hafidz Baharom  |  Published:   |  Modified: 
The way this is being justified by the government is that Israel is responsible of 'war crimes', and thus, their paralympic athletes should not be allowed in.
Really, are we really talking about banning nations due to their 'war crimes' from participating in international events?
Some have justified our actions by saying that in the past, Malaysia opted out of such sporting events such as the Moscow Olympics over Afghanistan, South African Olympics over apartheid. 
This is a false equivalence. In those instances, both Russia and South Africa did not ban athletes from other countries from participating – it was participating countries that opted out.
Therein lies the difference, but let us go back to this reasoning of not allowing people into our country over 'war crimes'. If such is truly the basis of our diplomatic policy, why in the world are we still friendly with the United States after their actions against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and even Syria?
Shouldn’t we be banning everyone to and from the United Kingdom for the same, since they participated in Iraq as well?
Why are we still friends with Russia after Ukraine? Why are we still friendly with Saudi Arabia after their continued actions with Yemen to the point of widespread famine and the death of kids from starvation?
So, due to such 'war crimes', should we ban Malaysians from going to Saudi Arabia, and even the United States? Should we ban their athletes from coming to participate in any of our events? Will we be boycotting whenever they host sports events?
If we change the basis from 'war crimes' to 'genocide', why are we still friends with Myanmar after the plight of the Rohingya and the Christian Chin community? If it is the 'oppression of Islam', then why are we friends with China considering the plight of the Uighur community?
I’m sure by now readers can come up with 1,001 one examples of why so many, many nations should be banned from entry here in Malaysia for whatever reason, from Italy’s burkini ban to the Swiss referendum to not allow mosques to have minarets, to even the jailing of Christians and oppression of peoples around the world.
And yet, the only nation both Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman seemed to be focused on is Israel. Why?
Probably because it is convenient, and that is all. It is easier to ban a small, tiny nation we don’t have to trade directly with rather than the superpowers of the world. It is easy to see how geopolitics makes hypocrites of the Malaysian government constantly.
After all, you won’t find Malaysian Muslims suddenly insisting of boycotting haj and umrah packages to Saudi Arabia over Yemen ever.
At the same time, it seems the government does not understand that you cannot play host to international events while saying that you want to disallow Israelites from participating, when it is under the auspices of the International Olympic Council, International Paralympic Council or even the United Nations – as former premier Najib discovered earlier when he hosted the UN’s World Urban Forum.
So now, we have a different challenge for New Malaysia – and that challenge is whether or not we are really looking to become part of the world, hosting international events such as forums, salons and even sporting events, for all to participate.
Or, will we let our narrow minded view cancel out our ability to host such events in the future, and thus push these events away before even thinking of hosting them, and then come up with lame excuses such as Israeli “war crimes” while letting others of the same label continue in total thick faced hypocrisy.
Because if this is the case, then we should really, really put our dreams of ever hosting the World Cup, or even the Olympics, to rest for evermore.

Sunday 27 January 2019

M'sia stripped of para swimming championships after Israeli ban

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) today stripped Malaysia of the right to host the 2019 world para swimming championships after the country banned Israeli athletes from participating.
Alan Baldwin, Reuters  |  Published:   |  Modified: 
The championships, a qualifier for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics, had been scheduled for Kuching between July 29 and Aug 4.
The IPC said a new venue would be sought for the same dates, although there might have to be some flexibility in the light of circumstances.
"All World Championships must be open to all eligible athletes and nations to compete safely and free from discrimination," said IPC president Andrew Parsons in a statement after a meeting of the IPC governing board in London.
"When a host country excludes athletes from a particular nation, for political reasons, then we have absolutely no alternative but to look for a new championships host."
Malaysia, a majority-Muslim country that does not maintain diplomatic relations with Israel, announced this month that it would bar Israelis from any event held in the Southeast Asia nation.
Israel had condemned the ban as "shameful" and said the decision was inspired by Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's "rabid anti-Semitism".
Mahathir, 93, has for decades been accused of anti-Semitism for his attacks against Jews. In a BBC interview last October, he described Jews as "hook-nosed" and blamed them for the troubles in the Middle East.
Some 600 swimmers from 60 countries had been expected to compete in the championships in the eastern state of Sarawak, with more than 160 titles to be won.
The IPC said all potential replacement hosts were asked to express an interest by Feb 11.
"The Paralympic Movement has, and always will be, motivated by a desire to drive inclusion, not exclusion," said Parsons in the statement.
"Regardless of the countries involved in this matter, the IPC would take the same decision again if it was to face a similar situation involving different countries."
He said that when Malaysia was awarded the championships in 2017, the IPC had been given assurances that all eligible athletes and countries would be allowed to participate with their safety assured.
"Since then, there has been a change of political leadership and the new Malaysian government has different ideas," said Parsons.
"Politics and sport are never a good mix and we are disappointed that Israeli athletes would not have been allowed to compete in Malaysia."